Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) including those that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol shall submit their National Communications (NCs) to the secretariat every four years (decision 2/CP.17). The seventh NC (NC7) should be submitted to the secretariat by 1 January 2018. In…
Climate change in Romania
Romania wants to transition to a greener and more competitive, low-carbon, resource efficient use and resistant to climate change risks. Therefore, the Government of Romania, through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, asked the World Bank advisory services to fulfill this commitment. A joint program implemented by the World Bank and the ministry aims to allow Romania and Europe 2020 goals for preventing and combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions.
Climate Change Multi-Sector Documentary Database
OPERA-CLIMA Program Outputs
- B11 – RO – Rezumat al evaluărilor sectoriale rapide şi al recomandărilor de includere a măsurilor privind schimbările climatice în programele operaţionale sectoriale 2014-2020
- B11 – RO – Raport de evaluarea rapidă a sectorului energetic
- B11 – RO – Raport de evaluarea rapidă a resurselor integrate de apă
- B11 – RO – Raport de evaluarea rapidă a resurselor a sectorului transporturilor
- B11 – RO – Raport de evaluare rapidă a sectorului urban
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Adaptation Action Plans
World Bank Publications
EU Resources
- Examples of how to mainstream climate action and the potential for doing so – ETC – European Territorial Cooperation
- Examples of how to mainstream climate action and the potential for doing so – ESF – European Social Fund – 2014-2020
- Examples of how to mainstream climate action and the potential for doing so – ERDF – European Regional Development Funds
- Examples of how to mainstream climate action and the potential for doing so – EAFRD – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
- Examples of how to mainstream climate action and the potential for doing so – CF – Cohesion Fund – 2014-2020
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