Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) including those that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol shall submit their National Communications (NCs) to the secretariat every four years (decision 2/CP.17). The seventh NC (NC7) should be submitted to the secretariat by 1 January 2018. In…
Romania – Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Program (OPERA-CLIMA) is fast approaching its end. OPERA-CLIMA is 85% funded through the European Regional Development Fund of the 2007-2013 Operational Programme for Technical Assistance. OPERA-CLIMA is a complex project, developed over more than two and a half years. Throughout this…
Final conference for closing the OPERA-CLIMA project: 24 to 25 November 2015
The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MEWF), as beneficiary, has conducted a technical assistance program between 2013-2015, for achieving Romania’s national objectives and requirements of the European Union on climate change. At the end of the project, MEWF organized the closing conference “OPERA-CLIMA Project: climate challenges, good money and…
National Conference – November 23, 2015
The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests organized the national conference “Climate Strategy and National Action Plan: the Economy and Climate – two paths for Romania and their meeting point” on November 23, 2015. The conference was dedicated to the climate change strategy developed in partnership with the World Bank…
Workshop on the “efficient utilization of the revenues obtained from EU ETS – proposal of the World Bank and good practices in the management of funds in Romania”
The workshop organized on October 6, 2015 focused on the topic of “Efficient utilization of the revenues obtained from EU ETS – proposal of the World Bank and good practices in the management of funds in Romania”. The main points on the agenda of the event focused on the presentation…
Workshop on improving the legal and institutional framework, in order to streamline the utilization of the revenues obtained from the European Trade Scheme of GHG allowances.
The workshop organized on September 28, 2015 focused on improving the legal and institutional framework, in order to streamline the utilization of the revenues obtained from the European Trade Scheme of GHG allowances. The conclusions which resulted during the workshop underlined the need to develop a legal framework that will…
Workshops: “Designing the monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV) for the actions related to climate changes in the transportation system”
The workshops “Designing the monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV) for the actions related to climate changes in the transportation system” which had as scope analyzing the design, perspectives and measures to optimize the measuring/monitoring, reporting and verification system related to GHG emissions, with special focus on maritime transportation.
Workshop dedicated to the financial support mechanisms of the climate policies in various economic sectors
On September 16, 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests organized a workshop dedicated to the financial support mechanisms of the climate policies in various economic sectors, especially by utilizing the amounts obtained by the Romanian state from auctioning GHG emissions allowances. The revenues obtained from GHG emissions allowances…
Meeting for presenting the model and the results of the economic and macro-sectoral analysis
The meeting held on June 25, 2015, addressed to the decision-making people presented the model and the results of the economic and macro-sectoral analysis regarding the costs and benefits of the climate policies of Romanian and the scenarios in the 2020 – 2030 – 2050 horizon. The meeting was organized…
Workshops: macroeconomic impact modeling
On June 24 and 25, 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests organized the final workshops regarding the macroeconomic impact modeling component, within the OPERA-CLIMA project (”Operationalization of the national strategy on climate change and development of the climate component within the 2014-2020 Operational Programs”). The two workshops summarized…